Green Tea. The Best 5 Types

Brian Blase
4 min readJun 23, 2021

Brian Blase

Are you a green tea fanatic? If so, you are on the right platform. It is that time of the season that is all chilly and cold. And the best way to start the day and keep yourself warm is by drinking hot Green tea. Was your first time drinking Green tea distasteful? Do not worry; there are various types of green teas with unique and different flavors. Some people make it iced to enhance that sweet sensation. Health experts researchers suggest green teas have various health benefits for users. So, let’s get our taste buds ready for the best forms of green tea to drink.

1. Best Jasmine Green Tea

We all love when the tea has a sweet aroma. Jasmine plant has a nice scent. Like most green teas, Jasmine Green Tea has various health benefits. It aids in weight loss and protection from heart diseases. Do you have tooth decay? Worry no more; Jasmine Green Tea is among the best type of green tea that will help you.

2. Perfect Moroccan Mint Green Tea

Moroccan Mint Green Tea is another different type of green tea. From its name, the green tea is from Morocco. It consists of grey-green tea leaves. It has the slang “Gun powder” because of the leaves features. Or, it is because it kills with sweetness! Nonetheless, it is sweet with a taste of fresh mint and is easy to make.

3. Best Genmaicha Green Tea

Did you know Genmaicha uses brown rice in green tea preparation? Yes, it mixes with rice that is roast. It is a Green tea variety that has a yellow tone and a nutty flavor I bet you did not know that. Are you a victim of stomach upsets? Then this is a great choice of green tea to drink.

4. Classic Sencha Green Tea

Raise your hand if your goal is to lose some extra pounds in the next months. The reason is that it has higher Catechins levels than most green teas. Sencha Green Tea is among the best kind of green tea to drink. It has a vegetable-like taste. I know! It is like having kale juice. Besides, this is even more refreshing for it has a cooling after effect on the body. Having needle-like features, it is the most consumed green tea in Japan.

5. Healthy Gyokuro Green Tea

It is one of the Japanese highest quality green teas. Unlike Sencha Green Tea, it is grown under the shade rather than the sun. The pale green leaves color gives it the slang “jewel dew.” It is among the healthiest green tea. It has caffeine thus giving you the greatest mental focus. Other health benefits are smooth and perfect skin and it helps prevent cancer. Woah! Mind-blowing right?



Brian Blase

Professional Creative and Content writer